Old Style Icons, Buttons and Symbols For Free

Posted by bangajik On Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011 0 komentar

We continue to collect best freeware and stock symbols, buttons and icons. Here are few sets we’ve stumbled upon over the last few weeks.
IconCool collects Icons for Windows XP. There are 16 icon sets, which can be downloaded for free. Most of them include original icons from Microsoft.
14 sets in .PSD-format for image editing in Photoshop. Themes are Documents, E-Mail, User, Weather, Folders, CDs, Books, Bullets and further toolbar-icons.
The Gallery 2 Web Icon Set, created by Paul Armstrong, includes 75 Mini-Icons. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Web Control Icons Set doesn’t offer exceptional icons, however they might be just what you’are looking for developing a simple and user-friendly web-application. Public Domain icons are available in three sizes:
Yellowpipe offers nice icon sets for MAC, Windows and Linux. Particularly interesting are Icons in Windows Vista, which will be officially released in the beginning of 2007.
Grey, but professional and serious – 40 Icons provided by e-lusion.
Toolbar Icons by Matt Ball

How to Start a Freelancer Profile Online Step by Step

Posted by bangajik On 0 komentar

Freelancing is a good money making opportunity. Would you like to terminate your job and become a freelancer? Some of you have already made that decision and are currently earning a living through freelance work. As you start your freelancer career, focus on creating an online profile or CV. This is something that would demand patience and discipline from you. So, how do you create a profile? 

1: Identify your niche 

Beginners can very easily lose focus by trying many online jobs at the same time. The best thing is to choose one area of interest and focus on it only. For instance, you could decide to be a writer, a typist, a data entry expert, a web designer, a programmer and so on. 

2: Join several freelancing sites 

There are many freelance bidding sites today. Despite that, you should only join huge and legitimate sites. Its true that they offer too much competition, but you can still find your way up the ladder. 

3: Scrutinize the available project

Huge freelancer sites consist of many employers or buyers of services and employees or providers of services. Since you need work, you should click the “Browse Projects” icon. Then, open all projects that define your interests. Read them carefully so that you can understand the requirements. 

4: Place your bid 

After understanding the scope of the project, determine how much money you would like to receive for completing it fully. This is tricky when you are new and without feedback or reviews. Thus, accepting less as a starter is wise. In your bid, try to show a buyer that you have read the project details properly. Choose your words properly, and be clear on the time you need to complete the project. If you have any questions, request the employer to give you more details via the private message board or inbox. Some websites such as rentacoder hide other provider’s bids and so you cannot tell how much money other providers want for the same project. Describe the strategy you would use to do the project properly and on time too. 

5: Follow up 

Do not just bid one time and disappear. When you want something badly, you must follow up. If a buyer sends you a private message, reply it thoughtfully and if requested to send an evidence of past work, you should do it. However, you should avoid buyers who ask for unpaid samples. If possible, show published work because you have zero chances of losing it. At freelancing sites, you are likely to try for quite sometime before you can win your first project. For that reason, you should still insist until you get it.

Internet Marketing Secrets for Getting High Traffic (Really Secrets)

Posted by bangajik On 0 komentar

There are many products and services that you can promote online, but for any of them you need a proven marketing system to make it work. You need this marketing plan so you know how to proceed with your business. It will be hard to make progress if you don't have a plan to generate website traffic or advertise your site. Let's take a look at some solid internet marketing techniques that you can begin using right away. 

When you promote your products or services, don't forget that your prospects will see things differently than you do. So when you're creating your product, you should make sure that it has all the benefits your customer needs. Keeping your customers happy should be your main concern. Next, target your promotions towards a specific group. 

It's easier to sell to a target audience than to everybody. No one product or service is for everyone. Become an expert in your niche. When your knowledge in this area starts to be recognized, prospects will look to you for help. Your reputation as a trusted authority will grow. A good Internet marketers understands how to harness the power of words for his own benefit. 

Choosing the right words could mean increased profits and higher sales conversions, but choosing the wrong words can give you the opposite effect. Your internet marketing efforts are heavily dependent on the words you select when you're crafting your sales copy. The more people understand about how your products can benefit them, the more profits you'll reap. It all comes down to finding the right way to convey your meaning so it can't be mistaken. Creating high converting sales copy could be the key to unlocking the success of your Internet marketing campaign. 

If you want to narrow your focus, you can start your own forum that is based on your own particular area of interest. For example, if you're targeting the fitness niche, you can have a forum set up in this area and have interested people join in and start discussions. Having your own forum is great for marketing purposes, as you will have a growing base of potential customers to whom you can target your products and offers. 

A popular forum will be a natural traffic magnet, and it's also a good way to achieve expert status in your niche. You can start an internet marketing business with little or nothing and take it to great heights if you give it your best effort. If you want to succeed, however, remember to study your competition at all times. Your success depends on this. If you are serious about building a profitable business, be sure that you remember the testing and tracking part of your marketing.

29 List PayDay Pro Review - Make Money from Internet

Posted by bangajik On 1 komentar

No doubt you've seen lots of articles already (including here) on making money about the internet. This one pulls it all together, and separates the great, unhealthy, and also the ugly. You CAN make money online, and NO, not everything out there is really a scam. 

I'm going to be updating this regularly, to want to bookmark it, and sign in monthly or so, things you'll need: 

1. Read this, just for a little bit of inspiration

I make about $3,000 a month about the internet. Not quite enough for me and my loved ones to live on, but a nice addition to my income just the same. It's pretty easy, and pretty quick, to obtain a SMALL income stream started. It takes time and effort to construct it up. Might as well begin today. 

2. Take stock of that which you need to offer

If you are a writer, programmer, designer, or photographer, you will find armloads of opportunities for you. For those who have a speciality of any type -- carpentry, raising kids, planning vacations or weddings, playing Guitar Hero 3 -- you can get taken care of your expertise. Even if you think all you can offer is time, there are many opportunities for you personally as well. 

3. Scan the available steps

I've listed plenty of choices in the steps such as the following, all of them legitimate. Select the one that seems the very best fit for you personally and your skills, and start exploring. 

4. Freelance Work

If you have a skill to provide, browse the various freelance sites (sometimes called "personal outsourcing"), like elance.com and guru.com (begin to see the Resources section for the links I mention). You are able to post your skills at these sites, so potential customers can check you out, and you can also look around for freelance projects that others have posted. You will find loads of opportunities for freelancers, in very varied fields. Common projects, though, are writing, computer or graphics design work, creating web pages, programming, writing brochures or reports, illustration, photography, and so on. Pay can be very good, especially after you've earned an excellent rating at one or even more from the freelancing sites. In the same time, though, remember that you're rivaling freelancers from all over the world. Have a look at the "How Elance Works" video on the main page to get a quick overview. 

5. Try Writing Web Content

There are a quite a number of ways to consider your skill as a writer and transform it into cash. One of these is right at eHow. Write brief "How to" articles on any topic of your choosing, and obtain paid for the content. The greater popular the content, the greater income you may expect. A great article brings in $50 each year or more. Write 10 top-notch articles, and that is $500. A hundred articles...you receive the picture. I can't say enough good things about eHow. In my opinion, it's the best wealth creation opportunity available. Google the word 'ehow101' to learn more about how to allow it to be work. UPDATE: eHow is now run through its parent company, Demand Media Studios (DMS). If you wish to apply to write for eHow or other DMS properties, in order to be an editor, check out the freelancer's application at demandmedia.com. 

6. Write Product Review

ConsumerSearch.com, a site owned by the N.Y. Times, pays freelance article writers no less than $350 per article for product reviews. That can be a sounds like good money (which is...and you can earn even more than that!), their particular make of reviews requires good research and writing skills, and takes a large amount of work. Check 'em out at consumersearch.com/jobs. 

7. More writing opportunities

--At SoftwareJudge.com, write reviews of select software products...top reviews earn as much as $50 each. --Product Reviews. You might be acquainted with epinions.com, but did you know they pay cash permanently quality reviews. You will not get rich, but you can get started. --Suggest domains according to site descriptions at Pickydomains.com Get $25 for every name that's chosen. --At Xomba.com, write whatever you feel like, and collect 50% associated with a advertising income from Adsense clicks your page. --Become a fledgling journalist at examiner.com, and cover a special topic area in your neck from the woods...they pay pretty much. --Other writing sites include associatedcontent.com, firehow.com, helium.com, and Squidoo. In fact, one of my eHow colleagues has come up with a very nice Squidoo 'lens' with 101 sites where one can receive money to supply content...take a look in the Resources section. 

8. Check out Q&A Sites

I earn much of my income being an online researcher, answering folks questions on everything on the planet: investments, market research, divorce law, homework help...take your pick. If this sounds like your cup of tea, here are some resources to explore: --The Association of Independent Information Professionals (aiip.org) can help you build you have Q&A website and business. I've built my research business at xooxleanswers.com, and it is a steadily growing income source for me personally. --I also work with Uclue.com Though they are not accepting new researchers right now, it's worth a look to determine how a well-developed Q&A site works. --Another Q&A site is JustAnswer, plus they offer small payments for answers to questions. 

9. Earn money out of your own blog or website

The key is to generate as much traffic as possible, and to have your visitors click ads and affiliate links. The more people visiting your site, clicking on ads, and buying affiliate products, the greater income you can earn. Just like this sounds, income is generally more a trickle than a flood. But again, steadily building your site (or sites), and building traffic, is the key to generating a steadily growing stream of income. Google Adsense is easily the most commonly used service for placing banner and text ads on blogs and websites. As I've learned to maximise Adsense income through the years, I've come to recognize this as one of the best income-generating opportunities available. You can also incorporate in-text ads (the colored, underlined text with small pop-up ads). I love InfoLinks.com with this, and Kontera.com is yet another popular service. Affiliate ads usually pay whenever a sale is made for a product. Amazon.com has one of the very well-known affiliate programs that you to sell books or other Amazon products in your site or blog, and earn a cut from the sale. Other good affiliate resources are Commission Junction at cj.com, LinkShare.com, and AssociatePrograms.com. 

10. Blog With the Best of Them

If you don't have a site of your own, starting a blog is fairly easy at sites like Blogger.com, and Wordpress.com. Blogs make money through online advertising and affiliate sales, such as with the Amazon.com affiliates program. Blogger causes it to be very simple to automatically place Google Adsense ads on your blog. Also, at Orble.com, you can take ownership of an abandoned blog with a specific focus, like Film, or Travel, and collect a portion from the ad revenues. The advantage of this really is that the blog is already well-represented in search engines, and can often generate a lot more traffic than a new blog of your. See Orble under the Resource links for more information. 

11. Sell your photos

At sites like istockphoto.com and shutterpoint.com you are able to upload still photos or videos available, and receive a royalty payment every time someone makes use of your content. 

12. Take Online Surveys

I mention survey work with a decent deal of trepidation...the surveys are tedious, the pay is meager, there are many sites which are dubious, or out and out scams. Probably the most legitimate operation I know is GlobalTestMarket.com. They provide real surveys, plus they pay real money. Again...tedious, and earning requires a long, long time. CashCrate.com also pays users to take online surveys. They strike me as legitimate, but I confess, I don't have any first-hand knowledge about it, so approach with caution... SurveyScout.com is yet another possibility, but unlike CashCrate, they charge a membership fee an email psychic reading started (Boo!). I've also heard some negative feedback from users of the site, so proceed with caution (should you proceed at all!). 

13. Teaching and Tutoring

Search on [ Online tutoring ] and you will uncover dozens of sites within this booming corner from the internet. Many accept applications for online tutors, with variable rates and topic areas. Two to consider are tutor.com and ehomeworkhelp.com 

14. Check into online "Jury Duty"

Here's a strange one. Lawyers searching for feedback how a case will play before a jury can make use of online e-jury sites to solicit input from the kind of average citizens that show on juries. Yes, you get paid. Fees for complex cases can go beyond $50, though $20 is more typical. To function as a web-based juror, take a look at onlineverdict.com, or trialpractice.com. Be aware, though, that no sites I've registered at has ever actually contacted me for any jury case, so I'm not sure just how active these services are. If anyone knows more about them, please leave a remark in the Comments. 

15. Become an online office assistant

At TeamDoubleClick, you are able to sign up for temporary jobs being an office assistant, handling correspondence, emails, bookkeeping, data entry, and other office jobs. Think of it as an online temp agency for virtual work. Pay is varied, but you are not obliged to take jobs that don't meet your financial needs. 

16. Play games

At moola.com, you can get paid to play. This might be the strangest one yet, and that i can't personally attest to it (I've only tinkered using the site), however it looks legitimate. Moola starts you off giving a penny, which you'll then double, and double again, through a variety of games and activities. Presumably, they make oodles of money through ads, and therefore are prepared to throw a lot of it your way by taking part in their zany set of games and marketing gimmicks. They call themselves a "Massively Multiplayer Rewards Game". It's too complicated to explain here, but worth a look. 

17. Participate in crowdsource design

"Crowdsourcing" may be the buzzword for getting many people to complete your work for you. If you are proficient at designing such things as t-shirts, logos, fancy fonts, and other graphics, have a look at the challenges at 99designs.com and threadless.com. In case your design is chosen, you can collect tons of dollars. 

18. More blogging opportunities

So how exactly does $100 a month sound for writing several blog posts every week? That's what you may be paid (actual range is $84-140) if you achieve accepted as a blogger at Creative Weblogging. They're a large blog network, and appear to have mastered the art of monetizing their many sites. All they need are people to write them, and keep the content fresh. UPDATE: Creative Weblogging has changed hands and is changing how -- or if -- its smart bloggers. Stay tuned for further updates. 

19. Earn with any type of content

Blogging, articles, photos, video, take your pick. Flixya offers 100% of ad revenue to anyone who posts at their website (you need to have your own Google Adsense account to sign up). Words, pictures, videos, whatever ya got. Post it, generate some traffic, and collect some ad clicks. (Haven't tried it yet myself, but Flixya includes a good reputation).

20. Just Visit

Another site that pays for content is mylot.com, but they also promise earnings everytime you use the site!. They also pay for referrals. Haven't given them a test run yet, so use them with caution, but they seem worth exploring, a minimum of. If you have experience with them, please post a comment, below. 

21. Listen to music

At slicethepie.com, you can get paid for hearing music. Say what!!! Yep, listen to upcoming artists, and review their music. The more reviews you are writing -- and also the better you're at spotting new talent -- the more you can get paid. Some folks are pulling in several dollars per review. 

22. Typing and Dictation 

If you have good typing skills, consider Speak-Write.com, a web-based dictation service. 

23. Stay focused

You can participate in online focus groups at 2020research.com, in which you review a product you've used, or discuss an issue of great interest to you. Payment ranges from about $50-150 per session. Participants are usually asked to join a group once or twice annually. 

24. Work for Google

Ha, ha...couldn't resist. However, you can earn through Google by posting content at Google Knol. This online encylopedia-like site is really a place where anyone can contribute content, and you will "monetize" your time and efforts by placing Adsense ads on your article to generate revenue. I wrote a Knol about eHow. You can see it by searching for the word ehow101. 

25. Review websites for usability

You will get paid for reviewing websites. Usertesting.com pays $10 per website review, where you provide feedback on quality and usability. It's not open-ended...you need to be selected to test, depending on your demographic profile. 

26. Earn money reading emails

Really! Of course, there are ads involved, and also you may be asked to click some things, but it is simple enough. Be prepared to get 5-10 emails each day (more, if you register multiple email addresses), and earn several pennies per email. Check out InboxDollars.com. 

27. Try some everything

Genuinejobs.com is really a legitimate work-at-home (telecommuting) site that lists countless jobs, none which require a fee, and several which can be done online. Registration is simple...worth checking out. 

28. Write for the NY Times

Really! The Times owns two sites that regularly hire writers. I already mentioned ConsumerSearch.com up above, a site that uses freelance article writers to create detailed reviews of common consumer products...minimum pay is $350 per write-up, plus they do a large amount of hiring. About.com, another Times property, hires writers as guides. These positions, paying $725/month or even more, are difficult to get, but worth looking into. 

29. And remember...

At the risk of repeating myself, eHow is among the most best opportunity available. Although making board through Demand Media Studios takes more work than at the eHow of old, will still be well worth the effort. 

Now, let’s discuss about List PayDay Pro created by Steven James and how it might help you. I really hope this simple List PayDay Pro Review will assist you to differentiate whether List PayDay Pro is Scam or a Real Deal. 

List Pay Day Pro is a training system developed by Steven James that will show you how to generate an online income in as little as 15 or Twenty minutes each day. It is possible to view along as Steven put these techniques into action and see how he develops multiple income streams. Once you learn all the techniques, the whole system runs virtually automatically meaning you will only need to spend a short amount of time each day to keep generating profits. 

With List Pay Day Pro things are explained in exact detail - you will know precisely what you need to do to achieve success with this particular system. No matter what type of marketing experience you've - regardless if you are a new or perhaps a seasoned internet marketer - everyone can implement and profit out of this system. This in no way requires you to definitely spend hours on search engine optimization or killing yourself on a lot of social networks. You won't have to invest all of your money into pay per click advertising - heck, you don't even need an advertising budget to use these techniques. After you have these simple methods down, it is possible to repeat them over and over to produce multiple income streams. 

All you've got to do is copy the precise steps which are illustrated in the training videos after which download a simple file to get going. All the training, all of the resources, and every one of the tools you'll need are one of them amazing package. You place up one income funnel and allow that to run in the background, and when it is going you can continue to create more and more of these cash funnels. You will get instant access for this training system for a low one-time payment of only $37 and will also be able to check it out completely risk-free for any full sixty days. Steven is really sure that you will be successful with these techniques when you feel they do not perform just as he has stated then you won't just get a full refund but he will also toss in an extra $100. That implies that he is extremely certain that you will be successful with List Pay Day Pro. 


Those who are using List Payday Pro enjoy the info they are receiving and state the techniques that Steven goes over are really simple to implement and also do work. They have found true merit in this training course and therefore are happy they made the investment. Like a little added bonus - if you click from the main salespage it is possible to obtain yourself a ten dollar discount making the final price an extremely low $27.

The Top Paying Affiliate Programs 2012

Posted by bangajik On 0 komentar

The Best Affiliates Programmes. Chances are you already know that marketing affiliate products is a proven method to earn an income, either part-time or full time.And you're in all probability sold on the assumption passive income is the perfect model of source of income to earn, as it will require little day-to-day administration of income earning methods. But what are the best affiliates programmes to endorse? 

Online Poker

Some of poker sites will dish out a couple of hundred dollars for each individual particular sign-up for their poker sites. Men and women that register for poker sites could possibly spend several thousand dollars at a given internet casino, so its possible to see exactly why this can be particularly beneficial for internet marketers and casinos alike. Poker sites can be the best internet programs available on the market. The flaw is that internet gambling is frowned upon in the United States, so you often have to endorse overseas casinos. 


Loans and mortgages are generally incredibly worthwhile, as the multi-billion euro lending industry clearly proves. You don't even have to realistically get people to buy home loans and mortgages, all mortgage affiliates programmes are lead-based, which means you just have to get people to fill out an application, and you'll receive a commission. An excellent affiliate program for mortgages will provide you with marketing materials directly from the lending agency. 

University or College

Universities can earn thousands of dollars over the training of several years from impending learners looking to obtain their degrees. Whether the university is providing physical classes or web based distance learning, the commission rates with the best affiliate programs for universities can be impressive. 

Consolidating debts

Like mortgages, Consolidation of debts programs are based on leads as opposed to successful Consolidation of debts loans being issued. As the United States/United Kingdom etc. becomes more overloaded with debt, more people should plan to seek out debt consolidation loans. Assume this to be a area seeing tremendous development in the future. 

E-books  or Whatever other info products

Perhaps the most ubiquitous and popular merchandise on the world wide web, the simplest affiliate product for new internet marketers to embark on are ebooks. Because the cost of creating a book is negligible, the commissions on ebooks are usually sky high. The best affiliates programmes may offer you tons of information in their affiliate sections, and it's generally not very hard to begin promoting these products. 

There's a few risks to promoting the best affiliate programs. Number one, there is a whole lot of competition. Since many internet marketers are painfully aware that these are the systems that provide you with the optimum profit potential, many swarm here - including the best of the best, the supposed "super affiliates." 

The second drawback with these sectors is relevant to the first. Since there is a whole lot of competition, it can also be not so easy to earn huge sales. Should your advertising costs more due to greater competition, your returns will decrease. This will make it challenging for completely new affiliates to get involved in some of the best affiliate programs. 

The ideal suggestion is to set up small and don't get demoralized. You can invariably climb to the highest paying associate programs later, when you've perfected the basics. Always remember: there's definitely room for higher sales.

Online Marketing Techniques + Bonus Free Traffic Generators

Posted by bangajik On 0 komentar

The key to a successful online business is free traffic generators. Once you are directing medium amounts of targeted traffic to your home business the rest is easy. 

There are different online marketing techniques that can be used to drive visitors to your internet business. I will recommend starting out with free traffic generators and tools that can drive targeted traffic to your business. One such tool is Auto Click Profits. 

The key to success with free strategies is massive action in the first 3 months. After about 6 months you should be generating decent traffic. This is when you should start implementing paid methods as well. 

Here are my free online marketing strategies: 

1) Article marketing 

Writing articles is not difficult. Finding content about your niche is a simple case of getting on Google and doing some quick research. Don't forget to do your keyword research. Your keyword phrase needs to be in your title and 2 times in your body content. You'll have a link at the bottom of your article linking to your landing page. EzineArticles is the best article directory. 

2) Video marketing 

Just use the content from your articles in your videos. Remember, put the keyword in the title. Link your videos to your articles to create a quality backlinking strategy. This will get your articles ranked higher in Google. Within your first 3 months you should have 50 - 100 videos and articles. 

3) Blogging 

Setting up a blog is a great way of branding yourself. Make sure you have a nice picture of yourself in the header and a "about me" page. People are looking to buy into a leader, so you need to become that person. Post lots of free quality content on the blog (just use your articles and videos). 

4) Email marketing 

Ideally you should have a way of capturing peoples email address' on your blog. I have an AWeber account, which I use to look after my list and generate my capture forms. I offer people a free "bootcamp" training if they sign up. People love free stuff. This list will grow over time, eventually you'll be able to start making sales from it. 

5) Social media marketing 

Set up accounts on the big social sites, like Facebook, twitter and MySpace. You should try and have about 5,000 friends on each site by the end of the "massive action phase". Link your social media to your blog. Post regular content but don't try to sell to anyone. Just make friends and have a good time. 

These online marketing techniques aren't hard but they will take a long time, and will sometimes be very boring. But if you can get these down you'll start to see big traffic. This is when paid advertising is awesome, because your free traffic methods will earn you the money to pay for your paid methods. 

But don't forget to keep using the free traffic generators and the tools such as Auto Click Profits. You can get it at : http://bit.ly/enfB0G

7 Small SEO Tips For Small Business Owners

Posted by bangajik On 1 komentar
2011 was undoubtedly a year that witnessed some significant changes with regards to the Search Engine Optimisation landscape and 2012 looks to be replicating its path. We were introduced to “optimising for local search” promotions, Bing’s re-introduction, Google Instant Search, Google Places and finally we saw Google start to consider online activity via social signals. 

For you business to remain competitive in today’s marketplace, now more than ever, it’s critical to ensure your business is found online by your prospective targets. It is almost certain that your competitors have entered the Search Engine Marketing world in a bid to increase their search engine rankings and their online presence. This being said, it is absolutely essential you employ these helpful tips for Search Engine Optimisation in Gold Coast, Australia. 

1. Keyword Phrases: If you’re targeting the wrong keywords, your SEO campaign will obviously be a flop. If your leads and sales through search engine optimization were dismal throughout 2011, it’s time to re-evaluate your keyword targeting. Be sure to specify location in your optimization strategy if you’re targeting local prospects whilst also considering linguistic SEO if you’re targeting a specific demographic. 

2. Content: The content you create should not only be built around keywords you’re targeting, but also around what consumers are going to find useful whilst also accommodating to the likelihood of being shared and linked to. Think of the various ways people like to consume information; articles, videos, podcasts, etc. 

3. Mobile Optimization: If your website isn’t mobile friendly, you’re losing visitors, and quite possibly leads and sales. We’ve become a mobile dependent society and adapting your website to mobile devices increases the likelihood of acquiring new leads and sales. 

4. Local Search: Google Places has become the default for many industry specific searches. 2011 marked the year of key changes in the local search sphere, and consumers have ultimately acknowledged these results as dependable. Appearing in the “Google Pack” starts this trust with your prospects. 

5. Link Building: Search engines play close attention to your internal, outgoing and incoming links, and 2012 will be no exception. If you want to increase your search engine rankings, you have to increase your incoming links – this is no secret. If you only embark on one strategy this coming year, focus on building a strong link building strategy that encompasses internal and external linking through relevant websites, content, directories, blogs and social media. 

6. Canonical Pathway: Creating a clear and precise canonical pathway domain will avoid multiple page variations. The search engine spiders are unable to determine which is the preferred pathway for your website, (http://www.yourwebsite.com and http://yourwebsite.com) therefore, you need to manually establish one pathway. This will avoid what search engines classify as duplicate content within your website. 

7. Image ALT Tags: Often times ALT tagging images and photos is forgotten. Search engines cannot read your photos and images, but they can see and index the text that is associated with it. Creating ALT tags that contain your targeted keywords not only prevent the stop gap for search engine spiders, but also allows an extra source for keyword density. 

The usage of devices such as laptops, tablets, desktops and mobiles is undeniably increasing day by day and this goes hand in hand with the amount of people gaining access to the online portal. People are searching online and they trust the search engines to give them results.

PPC versus Organic SEO

Posted by bangajik On 0 komentar

While developing an effective internet marketing strategy for your business, one of the decisions you will need to make is on the SEO techniques to use. You could go for organic SEO or Pay Per Click (PPC but also known as inorganic SEO). And neither of the two is necessarily bad. In fact, here are two techniques that can both deliver results (granted, at different time intervals) and where each has its advantages and disadvantages. 

So the question is which one to choose? Well, the bottom line in marketing is to attain maximum results but within minimal reasonable cost. It is your marketing strategy and your business goals that will determine which approach is most suitable for you. With this in mind, let us look at the differences between PPC and organic SEO. 

PPC (pay-per click) is an approach to search engine ranking (it is in fact search engine advertising) where you pay to have your site listed among the first results of a particular keyword search. It is called Pay Per Click because you only pay the search engine when someone clicks on your link. PPC thus keeps your site on the front page solely because you are paying for it. Organic SEO on the other hand takes the more natural and somewhat traditional approach to drawing traffic. Here, it is the content of your website coupled with other off page optimization techniques that will see your page move up the ranks. 

The fundamental differences between PCC and organic SEO are the cost, the effort that goes into each and thus the amount of time it takes to get results. PPC advertising is relatively costly, takes virtually no effort on your part and yields results in a matter of hours or days. If you want to get your business out there quickly and have the budget and supply chain logistics to handle a sudden rise in clients, then PPC may be the thing for you. 

The tipping point for PPC is where the cost outweighs the conversions. Since you pay each time someone clicks on your link, having too many clicks can see your advertising costs skyrocket beyond the amount of revenue you are making from people that visit your site and make the purchase. 

Organic SEO is relatively cheaper than PPC but takes more time and effort to set up. Of course organic SEO is not completely free especially if you choose to engage an SEO consultant to either implement or advise you on what would be the best approach. SEO requires constant monitoring. You have to continually tweak the content on your site in order to create content that is attractive to search engine bots. But if you keep at it, organic SEO can draw in much more traffic than a PPC campaign. More internet visitors will click on a link on the organic search results than a PPC advert. 

If you want to learn more on how your business can increase traffic go to increaserss.com and enjoy the true benefits that comes with more visitors in your business.

Basic Information About SEO Manchester

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Website SEO involves in the various ranking search engines. Usually system used for number of searches like as image, video marketing, etc. SEO Manchester London helps to come in ranking in the search engines and then generates traffic on your website. Professionals of website are known as search engine optimizer (SEO). There are two kind of SEO, one is white hat method and the second is known as black hat method. 

Basics About SEO 

SEO game is all about keywords density, in which these optimizers needs a wide range of research to pick correct keywords that mainly usually perform in the search engines. Research hits while you do rare searches. It is very important to give description meta that 200-250 lettered advertisement require to describe on a page site with the materials. You can use keywords in the description of pages that plays an essential role in a good SEO plan. 

SEO Manchester helps you in making your website. A good and attractive website has various things to be noticed like as their presentation and how the page inducted. The catchier pages you can make the more visitors come again and again at your page. The presentation of website is including with web design, web content, relevant keywords, and some of the important and basics rules of website ranking. SEO Manchester has efficient and trained staff which makes you way easier and tension free. You can rely on them and get the benefits of their services. 

SEO usually target the customers with the help of richness of keywords. However, these professional have high level of understanding in keyword research and analysis. They do research what people are searching and then make a list of keywords related to finding searches and put them in content. The keyword richness should not be more than 5 percent of the written content words. 

Apart from the keyword adequacy, Link building is one of the major things that should plays a vital role in the web world. Intellect professionals definitely will help you in building links and your site come under the search engines as soon as possible. These links building process is mainly a link sharing process in various sites and those sites performs in the top search engines. These processes are performed by submitting your contents on several search engines, like exchanges as well as in directories. 

Seo Services London handling several websites from the various part of the world. They basically follow the organic search method and white hat process to improve their sites. There are many SEO companies working and offering several services, but before going here and there, first to check the company reputation in the market and about the company profile. Sometime company shows they are providing various types of services but at last you would not found anything that requires you. However, it would be better search all the essential before doing any kind of mistakes from your side.

How to Use Natural SEO to Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile Searchability

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There are over 85 million professionals on LinkedIn from over 200 countries, which makes it a social network that is well-worth your time. However, once you've set up your LinkedIn profile online and familiarized yourself with the network, it's time to make sure it's meeting its full potential. Because there are so many people on LinkedIn, it can be hard to search for the right professionals. In order to make sure people will be able to search and find you on the network, you will need to utilize some natural SEO techniques. Don't get lost in the millions of other profiles, read these tips from Mashable on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to maximize its searchability. 

Completely fill out your profile. Filling out as much information as you can, will work in your favor. Fill in your past work experience; include an up-to-date headline and information about your current work position. Make sure you include full contact information, a recent photo of you and update your status to include details about current projects you may be working on. Keep filling out your profile until LinkedIn says that it is 100 percent complete (this may be hard to do, but well-worth your time.) Use industry keywords or buzz words in order to help increase your profile's organic SEO. 

Focus on making connections. Join and participate in groups related to your industry or personal interests. Search for present and past employers, college classmates and colleagues and ask them to join your network. Adding a personalized message to your connection request will increase the chance that they will connect with you. If there's someone you interact with in a group discussion, ask them for a connection as well. Indicate that you share a group and what the discussion was about. 

Post professional status updates. Make sure your status updates highlight projects you are currently working on, news from your industry or company or express your opinion about a breaking news story (nothing too racy). LinkedIn is also a great place to post about company events. Make sure you remain professional in everything you post in order to remain respected by the rest of the members of the network. Using industry keywords or buzz words will help make your posts more searchable on the network. People can comment on your status updates and posts which creates an opportunity to open a conversation with your network. 

Get quality recommendations. Employers and recruiters aren't going to just take your word for it when you talk about your awesome professional experience and accomplishments. Gaining recommendations is the best way to impress them and show that you speak the truth. Ask past and current employers for recommendations on the social network. Remember quality over quantity when it comes to getting recommendations. It's better to have 3 really good, recommendations with specific details than 10 generic ones that just say "Dan was a great employee." Ask your colleagues and supervisors for a LinkedIn recommendation face-to-face first, then send the invite. Also consider returning the favor after they come through for you, and don’t forget to send a "Thank you" message. 

Make use of add-on applications. Many people don't realize that LinkedIn offers add-on applications and they can really make your profile stand out among the millions of others on the network. Attach your Twitter account or Wordpress blog to your profile as long as they are both professional. Add SlideShare Presentations of your reports to get the word out about the work you've done. The MyTravel application allows you to see where your professional network is travelling and who will be close to your area during their trips. This will give you a chance initiate an in-person meet up with connections while they’re visiting your part of town. Applications give visitors to your profile a better understanding of your personality as well as your professional skills. Using keywords in your Tweets and blogs then posting them to LinkedIn is also a way to enhance your searchability on both the network and the search engines. 

Use LinkedIn Answers to increase your credibility. It's easy to become an expert in your field when you use LinkedIn Answers. Answer other people's questions about your industry using a keyword to help your image as well as make your profile more search engine-friendly. The more questions you answer the most points of expertise you will receive. The points rank the members on the Answers leader board weekly, which will get more views to your profile, increase your trustworthiness and allow you to show off your knowledge to the millions of professionals on LinkedIn. 

Using these tips for building and optimizing a great LinkedIn profile will help your social networking efforts online as well as give you plenty of chances for new business leads, jobs or professional contacts offline.

Important Information About SEO !

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SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the most effective and popular Internet Market technique or method used by many webmasters today. Other than webmasters, as well as SEO specialists and experts, many individuals had also used SEO to improve the traffic of their website from search engines. 

Though most of these people are bloggers, some are usually executives who wanted to learn about SEO to do it for their business or before hiring an SEO specialist or expert, allowing them to know the process of doing SEO. 

The internet is full of information regarding SEO. However, there is still a number of information which is usually left out by SEO specialists. And sometimes, this information is very important particularly for people who are just starting with SEO. Here is some of that information: 

Link Spike 

According to many SEO experts, such as those from SEO Philippines companies, the growth of inbound links should be as “natural” as possible. Part of the reason is because major search engines such as Google usually don’t support SEO as the method disrupts the natural algorithm of search engines, which is why it’s very important to take note the gradual growth of inbound links to a website. 

If, however, an unnatural event had occurred, in which the number of links had suddenly spiked then fell down, and then up again in its original growth, then a link spike may occur. A link spike is similar to “Google Dance” in which a website’s ranking will suddenly rise, then significantly fall, then return to its original ranking. However, the difference with Google Dance is that this usually happen for weeks, which could cause a significant fall in traffic. 

Google Dance 

Google Dance is a very popular term used by many SEO professionals and webmasters. It is a term used at the time in which Google does a re-crawl of all of its indexes. When this happens, a website’s ranking would either suddenly rise up or sudden fall or disappear from indexes. 

According to SEO Philippines experts, though similar with link spike, a Google Dance usually normally last within only a few days, usually 2 to 3 days, and that the end result could be higher or lower from its original state. 


The term “Sandbox” is used for a website that doesn’t gain any improvement in major search engines even if the campaign had been running for 3 months. This usually occurs if a website had been caught using black hat SEO. According to SEO Philippines experts, this can be prevented by learning the basic and guideline approved methods of SEO link building.

How Does SEO Really Work ?

Posted by bangajik On 1 komentar

SEO better known as search engine optimisation is a process of improving a visibility of a website of a webpage in search engines via the natural or unpaid search results. In simpler terms, SEO lands your website on the first page of Google and other search engines. Giving you heaps of traffic that will soon be your buyers. However, there may be others out there offering SEO services but what Google doesn’t like is “spam” looking processes. 

If the top search engine senses something unnatural with the process, your site will automatically be removed on their page. SEO Birmingham aims to give their clients high quality results. By doing the optimisation process as natural as possible. Giving your site a good reputation in the online world. Something customers, of course, would like to see. 

Search engine optimisation isn’t that complex at all. It may seem too techie when reading about it but all it does is make your site visible to the whole world. SEO Birmingham specializes with keyword research and integration. An addition to the list is building quality inbound links to your website. Keyword research plays a big role in bringing your internet business out in the open. 

SEO Birmingham considers how search engines work and what people search for. The most searches in the internet are problems and how to’s. Like how to fix a leaking faucet or how to remove a serious stain for example. Aside from that, most people search for products online nowadays. It’s because of time efficiency that they rather buy through their computers. So if your business is on the internet, consider what people need. 

Since Google is the number one search engine, you might think it’s impossible to get a high rank so quickly. Being the best, for sure there are heavy demands. But Google doesn’t ask too much. If you make them happy, they will keep you as long as possible. So get that traffic, earn customers and get advertisers. 

SEO Birmingham follows a specific SEO strategy and sequence which has been proven and tested to get the optimum results in terms of rankings. Achieve that traffic and witness your business flourish!

Worst SEO Marketing Advice

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There is plenty of SEO marketing advice on the Web today; some good and some bad. It's important to be able to distinguish between the good advice that comes from white hat, ethical search engine optimization professionals and the horrible advice that comes from the black hat SEO spammers. If the tips and tricks seem too simple and too good to be true, they probably are. Here's a list of some of the worst SEO advice that you should avoid at all costs. 

• Hide lists of links on your Web page to be picked up by search engine spiders. Many black hat SEO firms hide keywords behind the scenes of the Website to be crawled by search engine spiders. Although these cannot be seen by the visitor, if they are discovered by the search engines, your site could be penalized. If you are using META tags in the correct manner, you have nothing to worry about. However, hiding full lists of keywords on your site is a definite no-no. 

• Stuff your content full of keywords. Keyword stuffing is a horrible idea for two reasons. One is that your content becomes unreadable and your visitors will leave the Website immediately. Two, keyword stuffing is forbidden by Google and other search engines and doing so will get you sent straight to the Google blacklist. To avoid keyword stuffing keep your keywords to about one per paragraph. This will allow for Google to pick up on your key phrases but ensure they don't interfere with the readability of your copy for your visitors. 

• Use any link exchange to increase link popularity. Although link exchanges are a great way to generate links and more links equal higher rankings, it's important to make sure the site that is linking back to you is relevant. If you own a salon and your Website is to promote your business, having a sporting goods store site link back to you isn't a relevant, reliable source. Search engines will not reward high rankings to sites that have irrelevant links, so make sure you go with quality over quantity in this department. 

• Try to rank for unrelated keywords to generate more traffic. Trying to rank for every keyword in cyberspace to drive the most possible traffic to your site is useless. You aren't going to be able to rank for unrelated keywords and even if by some miracle you do, once people click your site and realize it isn't what they thought it was going to be, they'll leave in hurry and never return. 

• Submit your Website to thousands of search engines and directories at once. Websites that promise to submit your site to thousands of directories for a fee are untrustworthy. Don't fall for their schemes. Instead, concentrate on increasing your link popularity organically and you’ll receive more rewards in the long run. 

• Believe an search engine optimization marketing specialist that guarantees a number one spot on search engines. Although it's possible for an SEO specialist to get your site to the number one ranking, it takes time and a lot of effort. Also, there are a lot of factors that cannot be controlled and search engines are ever-changing. For this reason, you should not believe an SEO firm that makes promises to get your site to number one. If they express that they're doing what they can to get your site as high up in the rankings as possible, then it's more likely that they are an ethical, organic SEO firm. However, remember that the only people who really know how Web crawlers operate are the Web crawling programmers. There are so many variables that determine page rank, it's impossible to know them all, which makes it impossible to guarantee high rankings. 

• Listen to SEO marketing experts who say search engines can't index your site because of the coding. Although there are some poorly coded pages that create problems for search engines, for the most part, whether you code your Website using HTML, XHTML, CSS, ASP, PHP, Javascript or a mix, search engines will be able to find and crawl your Web pages. If an SEO firm is demanding to re-design your entire site to make it more SEO-friendly, ask a second opinion before going through with it, because they may just be trying to squeeze more money out of you. 

Conducting your own research, talking to many different search marketing firms and experts and continuing to educate yourself on SEO is the only way to ensure you don't fall for the black hat SEO tricks. However, if you follow these tips and make yourself aware of the dangers of unethical SEO, you will be able to stay away from the bad SEO firms and build an Internet marketing team that will actually help your business rather than hurt it.

Best SEO Advice for Small Businesses

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Small businesses everywhere are beginning to understand the need for an Internet marketing and SEO plan. In today's day and age, many businesses are already on top of the SEO game and rankings. In order for small businesses to compete they need to make a plan and put it in motion, immediately. However, with all the misinformation available on the Web today, if you are an SEO-newbie, you may not know where to begin or what to believe. Here are some basic tips and tricks of the trade to help get your company on the search engine map. 

• Understand that SEO is not a one-time thing. SEO and Internet marketing is a process that takes a lot of time. Understand first and foremost that an in order to see results from an SEO campaign, you must first make the commitment to stick with it. Also understand that top rankings to do not happen overnight and if you have a new site, the process may take even longer than you expected. However, all of your waiting and hard work will pay off in the long run. 

• If you're hiring an SEO firm, make sure to ask a lot of questions so you understand the process. Even if you hired someone else to do it for you, try to learn as much as you can about the process so you can do what you can to enhance what they're doing and kick your marketing campaign into overdrive. When working with an Internet marketer, it's a team effort, so make sure you're open to be a team player, otherwise you may find yourself disappointed. 

• Make sure your Web site design is SEO-friendly. If your site's design doesn't cater to the search engines right off the bat, you're going to run into some problems. Work with your SEO firm and design team to make sure search engines can properly crawl the pages of your site. Also make sure your site is great and user-friendly. If you're going to do all of this work to get people to your site, it better be good, otherwise people will just leave and never come back and all of your hard work will be for nothing. 

• Track your Web analytics. Make sure you set SEO goals for your team and have Web analytics in place so you can analyze what you're doing right and what areas need to be improved upon. 

• Include a site map. Remember that search engine's cannot index pages that can't be found to crawl. If you have a site map, the search engine spiders will be able to understand how many pages your site has and crawl each and every one. 

• Use keywords everywhere. Conduct keyword research then make sure to use keywords for everything you do. In the URLs, file names, Web copy, headlines, photos, videos, social media and more. However, it's important to understand the difference between using keywords and spamming. Don't overload your Web copy with keywords, keep it at one keyword per paragraph. Otherwise your site will look like spam and could be put on the Google blacklist. 

• Use META tags. META tags are found on the back end of the Web site that only the search engines see. Make sure your META title is 70 characters or less, and your META description is 200 characters or less. Also include META keywords and a ROBOTS tag to tell the search engine spiders how often to come back and crawl your site. Use different META tags for each page of your site. 

• Create great content to impress your visitors (and the search engines). The content on your Website is extremely important. You wouldn't want your visitors reading your site and finding it boring or hard to understand, getting discouraged and leaving the page. Make sure your content is informational, persuasive and above all, written for your target audience. Good content also makes search engines happy and your site will be rewarded with higher rankings. 

• Start link building. Submit your site to quality link directories. Start a blog, get on social media networks and link from them. Seek links from trusted sites in your area, find quality, relevant Websites and ask for a link exchange. Write articles and press releases and submit them to directories. 

• Participate in social media marketing. Getting on social media networks allows you to connect with your customers on a more casual level. This will make them feel more comfortable with your business, which will inspire brand loyalty. It also gives you a platform to make company announcements as well as promote sales, specials and give away coupons. 

Following these tips and tricks will help get your Website to the top of the search engine rankings, boost your sales and leave your competition in the dust. So what are you waiting for? Get started on your Internet marketing campaign.

How to Successfully Use Video SEO to Your Advantage

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Video SEO is becoming more prominent than ever in the Internet marketing world. In fact, videos are 53 times more likely than traditional Web pages to receive an organic first-page ranking. Today's society loves to view and share online videos and it is not uncommon for a person or brand to become well-known or famous from a video that went viral. 

What is video SEO? 

Video SEO is a set of techniques designed to make sure that search engines find and index your video content. Video SEO also helps to make sure search engines display your video content when specific keywords are entered as search terms. 

Think about how the right video and the right SEO techniques could help get your brand ahead of the competition. Using video SEO to your advantage is easy; the hard part is coming up with an idea for a video that will catch on like wildfire. Your video can be actual video footage, screen captures, slide shows or animated PowerPoint slides. Whatever you choose, it's important to keep it short, simple and entertaining. Making it funny or interesting is your best bet if you want people to share your video with friends and family (which you do). 

Once you come up with an idea, here are some tricks of the trade for using video SEO to launch your short movie straight into success: 

• Upload your video to YouTube. Since Google owns YouTube, uploading your video to this platform will guarantee it gets indexed into Google's search engine. YouTube also offers an easy way to add video SEO to your content. 

• If you choose to have your video hosted on your Website, make sure to submit your video to Google using a Video Sitemap using Google's Webmaster Tools. Also make sure you have a robots.txt file on all of your video pages to ensure that Google can find the Web page and verify that there are codes on it that indicate that a video is present. 

• Include title, description and tags. When you submit a video to YouTube, the site allows you to provide a title, description and tags. Make sure to use keywords in each of these in order to ensure that your video pops up in the search results when a certain search term is typed in. If your video is on your Website, make the title tag of the video the same as the title tag of the page it s on. Google likes this and will reward the video with higher search results when this is done. 

• Target long tail keywords. You'll see better search results if you target long tail keywords in your video. This means you need to get more specific with your keywords. Don't just name your video "Salon." Name it "Hair Salon Stylist Shows How to Do Prom Up-do." A long tail keyword is more likely to produce first page results than a generic short keyword. Since Google can't actually see the content of the video, you could actually submit the video a few different times with different titles. This would allow you to cover all potential search term matches. 

• Remember that when it comes to video SEO, just because you're new or a small business, doesn't mean you can't earn top rankings. When it comes to regular SEO for Websites, a new or smaller site may not be able to achieve the same rankings a site that's bigger and has been around longer can achieve. However with video SEO that all goes out the window. Someone who has posted 5 videos has just as much of a chance of reaching top search results as someone who has posted 1 video, as long as the proper video SEO steps have been taken. 

Over time, the competition for videos will become even denser. However, right now since there are so many more Website pages online than videos, it's very easy for videos to rank higher in the search results without as much effort. For now, it's important to take advantage of this and maximize the amount of videos online to gain brand recognition and drive traffic to your Website. Nowadays it's very likely for a video to go viral in a matter of days, which is why if you haven't been taking advantage of online videos, the time is now. Start brainstorming ideas for fun and informative videos and you'll increase brand awareness and sales in no time.

Choosing The Right SEO Reseller

Posted by bangajik On 3 komentar

Trask Digital Company Provide SEO reseller Services, When SEO resellers programs try to cheat the system, they realize that they cannot win against it and it is of no real worth in the end. 

When you look enhancing search engine rankings for a website, you will find that SEO online marketing can be very complex which can take up a lot of valuable time. So, it is not surprising to find more and more entrepreneurs hunting for good SEO reseller programs so as to spruce up search engine rankings and direct web traffic towards a particular website. 

The search for a reliable SEO reseller program can be quite daunting with all the options and choices available on the market today. However, a little bit of preliminary research will eliminate the hassle and better equip you to select a program that will get you positive results and fit your budget. 

You should never opt for a reseller program which adopts black label (black hat) SEO tactics. These are unethical tactics such as spamming, hiding text in the web design background and using irrelevant but popular keywords. They are adopted to try and fool the search engine indexing system. However, the algorithms used by search engines are more sophisticated and are excellently equipped to find and ban tacticians who use black hat techniques within hours of their getting online. When SEO resellers programs try to cheat the system, they realize that they cannot win against it and it is of no real worth in the end. 

Using ethical reseller programs that use private label or white label SEO tactics can reap profits on your investment. Such SEO resellers programs include original copywriting for getting maximum effect, choosing the most relevant key words for the website, mobilizing social media and submitting your website information to different search engines. 

You need to scour through the internet till you identify a reseller program that has a history of good results, uses completely ethical methods and which fits your budget. It is advisable to check the antecedents of any SEO reseller by looking at consumer protection sites and ensure that everything is overboard.

Privacy Policy

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If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at bang.ajik03@gmail.com

At bang-ajik.blogspot.com, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by bang-ajik.blogspot.com and how it is used. 

Log Files
Like many other Web sites, bang-ajik.blogspot.com makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable. 

Cookies and Web Beacons
bang-ajik.blogspot.com does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser. 

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bang-ajik.blogspot.com has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers. 

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices. bang-ajik.blogspot.com's privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites. 

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites.